Thursday, May 4, 2017

Evolution and Changing Nature of SEO


seoSearch Engine Optimization - SEO is the most powerful advertising mode in this technical era. Tremendously,  over the years since its birth SEO has its own changes,  and it will continue to change in the future.  It started its  pathway  when people first started using search engines to scour the internet for valuable information.  In those early days,   pages where ranked based on some factors only.  It didn’t take long for digital marketing strategists to figure out what these factors were and how to trick search bots into ranking their websites.


In 1998,  Graduate students at Stanford University,  Sergey Brin and Larry Site,  created “Back rub,” that depended to price on the numerical formula web pages’ popularity.  The amount determined Page Rank, from the formula,  is just a purpose of power and the amount of back links.  Page Rank quotes the chance that the given site is likely to be attained with a web person who uses links in one site to a different, and surfs the net.  Essentially,  this means like a greater Page Rank site is more prone to be attained from the random reader that some links are more powerful than others.

Brin and Site started Google in 1998. 

A faithful following was attracted by Google one of the expanding quantity of online users, 
evolution of seo
who preferred its style that was easy.  Off Page elements (for example Page Rank and URL evaluation) were regarded as well as on-site facets (for example keyword consistency,  meta-tags,  titles, links and website framework)  make it possible for Google to prevent the type of adjustment observed in search engines that just regarded on-site facets due to their ratings. 


Beginning with that simple plugin,  Google unveiled its commitment to a better search and online experience.  The Google updates are now mostly known for larger-scale impacts on searches, rankings,  and traffic for websites.  But how exactly have these updates evolved for SEO?

We break down the most notable here.


·         Panda: While a handful of updates occurred between Suggest in 2008 and this update in 2011, components of the Panda really began to affect SEO.  A bigger importance of fresh,  original content promoted sites’ rankings as well as determination of that content’s quality.  Sites updated frequently with relevant information are now more prominent.

·         Penguin: This 2012 update brought Google’s threat of an over-optimization penalty,  which also had some overlap with Panda. Penguin targeted more direct spam,  wrong redirects,  and link farms (networks cushioning other sites with bogus links to rise in rankings).  About 3.1% of English queries were affected by Penguin alone.

·         Hummingbird: Continuing with the animal monikers,  Hummingbird debuted in 2013 and highlighted the importance of semantic search.  Searches became more conversational,  and individual words’ meanings gave deeper connotation to the query overall.  While semantic search is assuredly a big development,  this update was also the first Google algorithm replacement since the early 2000s.

·         Pigeon: In 2014,  local results were pushed to the front of the class with the Pigeon update, which pinpointed local search in a more specified manner.  Using Google Maps,  location queries,  and other search cues, local results became more accurate and influenced rankings based on the user’s location.  This also greatly helped local directory and local business results, for both slang and proper terms for geographical areas.

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